A Message from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating health, economic, and operational challenges for all of us. During this time of social distancing, our law enforcement leaders need to stay connected now more than ever. We will continue to advocate with our federal, state and local government and officials to assist where needed. Our Law Enforcement leaders have the tremendous task in protecting those tasked with mitigation and response efforts. We know our members will serve with courage, strength and commitment. Please communicate with us if you need additional assistance.
Scott L. Bohn
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association
COVID-19 Law Enforcement Guidance
Guidance for Law Enforcement and First Responders Administering Naloxone
PA Department of Health
OVID-19 Resources
- CDC COVID-19: What Law Enforcement needs to know
- CDC COVID- 19: What Law Enforcement needs to know- additional document
- Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for COVID-19 in the United States
- FEMA Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Guide
- WHO Coronavirus Updates
IACP COVID-19 Resources
- General COVID-19 Fact Sheet
- Staying Healthy as a Police Officer during COVID-19
- Organizational Readiness: Ensuring Your Agency is Prepared for COVID-19
- Health and Safety for Law Enforcement Families